Jan 6, 2008

Moon & Sun Symbol

The viewer or yourself when see moon or sun can related to many things: times, day and night. Moreover, in some books, sun is the symbol for the good things, angle, god... and moon is the symbol of evil, bad things, death...

By the way, I also make a research in the internet to draw some abstract symbols about sun and moon.

The first picture, the very very simple symbol of sun and moon, they appear in the stone age in the cave house.
The second picture, I only mixed two symbol together, the effect was not bad, symbol, the left side related to day, the right side related to night. It's only stand for the time. :D

The last picture was quite complex, I found in the internet and redraw it. It appeared in the Europe cards. I am very like this style.

The Assignment 2C : Flash Text Animation

The flash I did for A2C flash text animation. The font I choose is Monotype Bodoni. It's kind of famous font, was used mostly in nineteen century. I did a lot of research about it, and I think my flash is ok to see and view. So, enjoy and hope u like it.

Click here to see the flash and wait for a while.

Dec 23, 2007

Word meaning in FLASH

This is a short flash I did to explain the word meaning "HEAVY". See flash to understand :D.

Poster for safe Sex

This is the poster Safe sex I did for A2B public poster. Based on the idea: Key and lock mixed with some funny creative key = pennis, lock = pussy . Before key mixed lock need a password password is condom. :D

Dec 9, 2007

Photographer - Dirk Lambrechts - Colorful

Dirk Lambrechts is a photographer come from Belgium. His photograph not stay at his hometown, which fly outside, international fashion also know. I have some pictures of him. I call it colorful.


A2A - My Portrait

This is the portrait I did for assignment A2A. According to the requirement of the guide. The picture can tell inside myself. As the requirement, I think I am a quite person, I usually don't like talking with stranger people. Moreover, I'm also don't like talk about myself with another person, I only want silent. I think this photo can attract mostly about myself.

Nov 25, 2007

Graffiti Font

This is kind of Graffiti font which I found them in the internet. This font is looking not clear but if we mix it with the suitable color we can have more effective for the art work.